Monday, April 28, 2014

Chapter 10- Global Gender Inequality

Worldwide, gender is the primary division between people. Every culture and every society has their own ideas on what women should do, or how men should act. It is different in every country. For example, there are some countries where women are expected to cover up completely and stay home with the children. Showing their legs is disrespectful and may result in punishment.  In this picture, I am a woman wearing shorts, holding a purse and books with my apron because I am ready to go to work. In other countries my shorts would be forbidden. I would not be able to hold the purse because only the man should be in charge of money. The books would be out of the question because a women learning is such a ridiculous concept. Going to work? The only job I’d be having in other countries is a stay at home mother. There is so much gender inequality from border to border, and I am glad to be an American!

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