Monday, April 28, 2014

Chapter 13- Dysfunction of Religion

Religion is important to almost everybody in different ways. It can bring people together, but it can also rip people apart. Two dysfunctions of religion is using religion as justification for persecution  and using religion as justification for war and terrorism. These dysfunctions mean people kill and hurt people in the name of their religion. I included a picture of a penny with a cross cut out. Although this example is not as extreme, I think it fits into the category of religion dysfunctions perfectly. While at work one day an older man put this penny on the table and asked me if I was going to take it. I responded with “I didn't know it was for me, sorry!” to which he looked me in the eyes and said, “Yeah. You better take it. If you don’t, well, stop drop and roll isn't going to help you where you’re headed honey.” He proceeded to make comments the rest of the time I was waiting on him. I was so offended that this man thinks I’m going to hell if I do not take his penny. He is using his religion to shove his beliefs down my throat and into my brain, all while insulting me.  He is a living example of dysfunctional religion.

Chapter 13- Social Promotion/Functional Illiteracy

Social promotion and functional illiteracy go hand-in-hand in the education system of today’s world. Social promotion is passing students from one grade to the next even though they have not mastered the basic material. Functional Illiteracy is when graduates have not mastered things that should have been learned way back in grade school. I put a picture of graduation stickers used for graduation invitations at some point. This represents the fact that high school graduation, while a monumental step into the real world, is not taken as seriously as it used to. I remember when I was little hearing “big kids” fretting about if they would graduate or not. When I got to my senior year, it was easier than any other year I had previously encountered. I never heard one student worrying about if they would graduate. The classes got easier and we were passed without accurate comprehension.

Chapter 13- Grade Inflation

Grade inflation is when the professor adds extra points to the grade to help doctor student’s GPA’s. Grading is getting easier as the years go by and it is all because of grade inflation. The picture I included was of my math test. I originally got an awful grade and my professor decided to add ten points to everybody’s test. Maybe the test was just extra hard and that is why he added a curve to this exam. However, he has done this to every exam all semester making it possible for all students to pass the course. Although it is very appreciated by the students, it does not do justice to showing the school how the students are learning.

Chapter 13- Hidden Curriculum

Hidden curriculum is the attitudes and unwritten rules of behavior that schools teach in addition to the required lessons. Teachers use words like ‘proper’ and ‘good’ when referring to manners and language. This reinforces to the student what society wants them to do. I included a picture of an early childhood center, essentially a preschool. Here is where we create citizens. It is stage one of twelve year public school system training. Here is where they slip in lessons of sharing, caring, manners, and patriotism.

Chapter 10- Gender Vs. Sex

Sex is biologically how we are born; it has to do with the chromosomes and the body parts. Gender, however, is much more complicated. Gender consists of whatever behaviors ad attitudes a group considers proper for its males and females. Gender is not determined by biology; it is determined by the gender identity in which the person decides which gender they relate with. To represent this, I included a picture of an “It’s a Girl!!” announcement off a baby shower invite, which is how babies are greeted into this world. Although it physically may be a girl, that girl may grow up someday and relate with male traits and feelings. “It’s a Girl!! Or is it!” is a more accurate saying.

Chapter 10- Violence Against Women

Everywhere in the world has violence and one of the reoccurring characteristics of this violence is the gender inequality. Females are more likely to be victims of males and not the other way around. There are exceptions, of course, but it is not the norm. In this picture I am proudly sporting my Mace. As a woman I completely agree that there is an insane level of gender inequality in violence. I am terrified to walk to the dumpster in my apartment complex in the dark. I get anxiety when I clock out at work and it is already dark outside. I have my Mace with me at all times because I know as a woman I am so easily targeted.

Chapter 10- Gender Inequality in Education

Gender inequality in education has always been an issue. It used to be extremely rare to see women in college, let alone a woman actually obtain a degree. Now, almost as many women as men are becoming dentists, lawyers and doctors! This picture is simply of Maple Woods, where in all of the classes I am enrolled in, there are fewer men than women. I had not noticed this statistic until I started paying attention, and sure enough, the women are taking over Maple Woods!